Visit us in Tanzania
Karibu Tanzania!
We welcome visitors to our centre in Arusha, Northern Tanzania. Enjoy a tour of the centre, learning more about our programmes, meeting the students and staff. Taste a traditional Tanzanian meal while sharing lunch with our young beneficiaries. If you would to visit the home of one of our youth, this can be arranged through Umoja's Social Worker and is a wonderful opportunity to understand more about the Tanzanian way of life.

Safari Time
In partnership with our friends at Taswira Africa Safaris, we show our visitors the highlights of Tanzania, including the plains of the Serengeti, the rich wildlife of the Ngorongoro Crater and the aqua blue sea of the exotic spice islands of Zanzibar.
Taswira Africa Safaris donate generously to Umoja, providing much needed general support. $50 per client is gifted directly to Umoja.
If you want to learn more about a trip of a lifetime to Tanzania, please contact Caroline Goody - caroline@umojatanzania.org

Our wish list
If you have some space in your luggage - here are some items that we ALWAYS need! All other goods, including stationery, uniforms and food we support Arusha based suppliers.
School Bags (Day pack)
White Board Pens
Sports Shoes (Trainers)
Black School Shoes
Flash Drives (USB)
Scientific Calculators (A-level and university standard)
Art Materials
Unlocked Mobile Phones
Dictionaries (English-English)
Laptops for Umoja's university students
Clothing for young men and women (small / medium sizes)

If you would like to donate or have any questions, please contact us