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Donate today to have a direct impact on a young person's life.

Please select one of the options below:

please see below for other ways to make a donation.

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From the whole team of Umoja, we would like to thank you for your contribution !


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Other ways you can make a financial donation to Umoja:

Donations are tax deducible in Australia, UK, USA and New Zealand.

You can donate directly to our US Dollar bank account in Tanzania:

Address: PO BOX 1431, 9, Samora Avenue, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Account Number (USD): 0110016780
Swift Code: EXTNTZTZ

Please note that if you donate directly to Tanzania, you will not be able to get a tax deductible receipt for your donation.

All donations over $2 with a preference for this Global Development Group (GDG) approved aid and development project J602 Umoja are tax deductible in Australia and the USA. GDG will issue you a receipt which can be used for tax purposes. If excess funds are received they may be applied to other approved project activities.

By bank transfer:

Name: Global Development Group Overseas Relief Fund

BSB:  064 118

Account Number: 102 000 94

Please reference your deposit with YOUR NAME J602 (this is so GDG know to send the funds to Umoja!) 

Email your donation details to

Donation Details: date, amount, project number (J602) name & email/ address

By Bank Transfer, you can donate directly into our UK Charity Account:

Name: Umoja
Bank: Natwest
Account Number: 87655276
Sort Code: 60-10-15

By Using the Just Giving Website:

UK residents can make donations through the Just Giving website and allow us to collect the Gift Aid tax credit:

UK Gift Aid:

Gift Aid is a way for charities to increase the value of monetary gifts from UK taxpayers by claiming back the basic rate tax paid by the donor. It can increase the value of donations by 28% at no extra cost to the donor.

Gift Aid is an easy way to help Umoja UK to maximise the value of donations we receive, as we can reclaim tax from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). This means that for every £1 donated, we receive 28 pence, so the total value of the donation is £1.28.

If you are a higher rate taxpayer and would like to donate to Umoja UK, then you too can benefit from tax relief as you can claim back the difference between the higher rate of tax and the basic rate of tax!

As the donor you must pay at least as much UK tax (Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax) as the amount of Income Tax that we are reclaiming.

You must declare that you understand the tax requirements and that you would like Umoja to claim Gift Aid from your donation. To do this you must fill in a Gift Aid Declaration form and post it to us using our Umoja UK address.

Download Gift Aid Declaration Form

We will claim the Gift Aid from your donation and any further donations you make. Contact Emma Wagner at for more information.

Donations to Umoja are tax deductible in New Zealand, through our partners, Global Development Group. Here is how to donate from New Zealand:

Direct Deposit:

Global Development Group Limited

ASB Business Focus Account

12- 3066-0408141-00

Please reference your deposit with YOUR NAME J602 (this is so GDG know to send the funds to Umoja!) 

Email your donation details* to


Payable to: Global Development Group Ltd

Include a note with the donation details* and Post to:

Global Development Group NZ

PO Box 10076, Bayfair, Tauranga 3152


*Donation details: date, amount, project number (J602) name & email/ address

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Umoja Tanzania

Umoja Tanzania Incorporated - Registered NGO in Tanzania (00003335).

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